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Mediation is an alternative way of resolving legal and non-legal disputes.
I strongly believe in the effectiveness of mediation as a procedure.
Mediation may include civil, commercial, labor, family and administrative disputes relating to consumer rights and other disputes between individuals and / or legal persons, even cross-border.

The advantages of mediation consist in its voluntary start, the equality of the parties, in the ability of the parties through their mutual will to reach a resolution of their dispute by mutual consent.
Driven by their own interests and priorities, the parties, guided by a third neutral and impartial person - the Mediator, can find the key to their welfare. Furthermore, the outcome of the agreement reached, can be formed as an written agreement or not, in favor of all parties.
The Mediator does not impose its vision, contrary, the Mediator helps to preserve and to balance the parties' relations in the process of finding their own decision on the case.
Mediation is an economical procedure because it saves time and money.
Mediation is a confidential procedure, there is no such publicity as court case.
The agreement reached by the parties may be in an oral form, written or written form with a notary's certification. It only binds the parties that have reached it, its arrangements, and can not oppose any person not involved in the procedure.
The agreement has the force of a court settlement and is subject to approval by the district courts in the country.
For interest and questions regarding mediation, please fill in the contact form.