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About me

About me

My name is Bozhidara Karachorova.
I have graduated Law at the Law Faculty of Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" city of Plovdiv in 2004. During the last year before graduation, I was practicing as trainee at a notary office. After graduation, I worked for a long time as a Legal Adviser in the sphere of trade law, finance and banking. Currently I am registered as Lawyer - member in Sofia Bar Association.

I practice the legal profession in accordance with the principles stated in the Lawyers Act and the Ethics Code of the lawyer in Bulgaria, respecting the legitimate interests of the client.
From December 2016, I am registered as а Mediator in the Unified Register of Mediators at the Ministry of Justice in Republic of Bulgaria.
During year 2017, I participated and finished one year of continuing education under the program of CEA "Krastyu Tsonchev" and Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" for postgraduate qualification in "European Union Law".
For me The LAW is a mission. In every case I pay all my attention, knowledge and experience to defend the legal rights and interests of the client. From my part, you can expect full confidence and integrity, as well as respect for confidentiality.
I am fluent in English language – oral and in writing, certified for graduated course of Legal English.