Articles Category

Trade and Corporate Law

Trade and Corporate Law
  • Legal advice and consulting in the field of Commercial law;
  • Preparation оf documents for company establishment according Commercial Law Act;
  • Preparation of documentation regarding initial registration, changes or termination of Non profit legal entity (Foundation, Association) into the Commercial Register and register of nple (non profit legal entities) to the Registry Agency;
  • Following the shares transfer procedure between current company shareholders and/or third parties;
  • Preparation of documents and entering of company changes and circumstances subject to registration of a Company existing into Commercial Register and register of nple (non profit legal entities) to the Registry Agency;
  • Freelancer registration at Bulstat Register to Registry Agency;
  • Acts announcement;
  • Publishing of annual financial reports and Declaration for lack of trade activity;
  • Re-registration of Non profit legal entity into Trade register and register of nple to Registry Agency;
  • Initial registration, changes and deletion of Foreign Entity Branch;
  • Preparation of documents and representation in connection with the formation and change of legal non-profit entity under the Law for non profit legal entities;
  • Registration of agencies of foreign legal entities at BCCI;
  • Termination of a Company, development of a full range of legal documents to follow procedure for liquidation and deletion from Commercial Register and register of nple to the Registry Agency;
  • Legal consultancy activity with the obtaining of licenses and permits in statutory cases on the exercise of certain commercial activities.